
Park Home Roofing Specialists

10-year guarantee


We help to keep your park home roof in good repair

Viking Park Homes Limited are park home roofing specialists working throughout the UK. Where a park home roof needs to be refurbished, we remove any rotten timbers, replace them with new support timbers, treat them to ensure they remain weatherproof, add insulation and fit lightweight tiles that come in a variety of colours to complement the look of your park home.

We then coat the roof using Thermaseal, exclusive to Viking Park Homes Limited. This increases the insulation properties of your roof whilst simultaneously protecting it from the elements by preventing the growth of moss and lichens. These absorb rainwater and, in time, undermine the fabric of a roof if left untreated, leading to leaks.

30% of heat is lost through a poorly insulated roof, so having your park home roof coated makes financial sense as you will cut your fuel bills as well as improving the appearance of your home.

Viking Park Homes Limited also supply and fit roofline products such as gutters, fascias and downpipes.

All our work is carried out to the highest standards using quality materials and is guaranteed for 10 years. 

Viking Park Homes are quality park home roofing specialists working throughout the UK
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